Greenware Pendant



Patterns and patterning invite the conscious and sub-conscious minds to explore familiar qualities of design, such as repetition, intention, and obligation. As well as explore the personal and vicarious experiences of the subjective and objective realities. Patterning gives occasion for meaningful and diverse verbal and non-verbal discourse, as color, shape, form, dimension, and time itself harness the exigent powers of integral experience and imperative embodiment. In this investigation, the observer interacts with patterning in its inherency as both a phenomenological and existential procession of imagination and manifestation.

All across this sheltered planet, and all throughout its mortal-age, our human species has expressed curiosity, interest, and enthusiasm about the exigency, or urgency, of inherency. Most people have agreed, at the very least, that this expression is about a distinguished, essential, and manifest activity which inherits the world - and, which is in itself, a pattern and a patterning. Inherency has been given, offered, asked of, ridiculed, questioned, and called different and various qualities, states, and even many names - and, often those names suggest or denote action, or stature, like a verb...

Our human sensibility for this exigent inherency has been referred to as: sense, concept, energy, Spirit, or deity. And since time immemorial, just life: water, oxygen, earth, air, atmospheric pressure, electricity, ionic molecules, as well as gravity (FYI, according to NASA today, "gravity" is no longer a "3D force" but instead the folding fabric of quantum space-time itself, in the 4th dimension)...

As much as these epithets have all differed, what they also have in common is the intrinsic expression of patterning and pattern-making. This common framework tends to inspire a sense or position of meaningfulness and even purpose or order in the creative expression, and in all kinds of art forms.

Through art and the creative process, life in its smallest and largest meanings are validated and celebrated, and people are brought together.

Moreover, today we have observed that the cycle of life stands in relief to the quantum concept of "entropy", which is the tendency for molecular particles to move towards a chaotic and random state. For reasons yet unnamed by man or beast, life defies entropy  -  life seeks order... And, inherency takes form...

After four and a half billion years of countless and diverse methods of investigation and experimentation on and by this planet, we have learned how this inherency of life manifests as vastly multidimensional in its base shared efforts. And that the inherency of these shared activities can be repeated, and cultivated, and can grow, adapt, and evolve.

This apparently "active" organization of life also intimates a certain, yet enigmatic universality of art, creative expression, communication, language, and literacy. The activity is both sought and seeking. The pattern and pattern-making merge as one. The art, artist, and tool are the same.

As I observe and investigate inherency in my life and in the greater world, and especially as it informs connectivity and association, I find that it continues to inspire a particular sense in me: a continuum, and a shared humanity. And, this investigation inspires me to explore different ways to make art, to reflect this sense.