Hanging sculpture


Ceramic Art & Design

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The seed pod vessel carries out an ancient promise made by life Herself. Sheltered within the pod, the seeds await in a stasis for the time to fulfill this promise. When the opportunity arises, the seeds will emerge and strive, and shove, and thrust and bear down on the earth, to push renewed life into the fresh air and the sheer sunlight... The seed, in its efforts, relies on its surrounding environment to express Mother Nature's ancient promise. It relies on trillions of different species, on immense geological formations and elemental forces, and on its heritage and the promise of its future generations. The seed makes demands and meets demands made between the entire ecosystem, and by the imperative of all its relations. This inherency or exigency of the seed pod shares a common language, literacy, and potential in nature: to harness the creative spark of life that thrives.

In systems science, this kind of unified system or nature is called "a continuum".

A continuum is, "a continuous sequence in which adjacent elements are not perceptibly different from each other, although the extremes are quite distinct". Or, a continuum is, "a coherent whole characterized as a collection, sequence, or progression of values or elements varying by minute degrees".

It's a very cool concept.

An example of a continuum in mathematics is: "the set of real numbers”.

(1,2,3... etc.)

A continuum abides the contiguous logic of balancing an algebraic equation. So, at some fundamental level, no single part exists separately from any other part. And, affecting one part will affect every other part 'in the same way'.

For the seed pod and its relations, it means that the sun shines hot, and the waters flow deep, and the animals deposit nutrients in the soils, and the insects and the mushrooms clean the habitat, and the trees consume carbon dioxide to produce oxygen, and we, as its relations, breathe the oxygen and tend to nature...

... And that at their extreme limits each of these aspects are each very distinct, while at their center they are each the same piece of the same whole.

My seed pod vessels represent this ancient promise made by the world.

This is a promise to take the form of impression, repetition, and progression.

This is a promise to originate, to arrive, and to activate.

This is a promise of the inherency of connectivity.

This promise has been made for millions of years, and will be made again for millions more.

An Important History Lesson:

Similarly, we have Charles Darwin's original theory in "The Origin of Species" (1859). His first, true, veritable, unmarred, original theory characterizes all evolution as 'co-evolution'. Darwin theorized that within every environment was this complex process called evolution, which was nothing less than the collaborative and cooperative efforts of all species, and more by the contributions of geological forces and elements in the environment.

Much to Charles Darwin's dismay, his rivalrous contemporaries, the self-serving lobbyists for the tycoons of the industrial revolution, chose to distort this monumental and pivotal position of his research. By taking advantage of the public's new-found reliance on mass media, the lobbyists published their own "interpretations" of Darwin's theories. They especially intended to reach the audiences of the uneducated and the poor.

Mostly, the lobbyists of the Industrial Revolution manipulated Darwin's conclusions about the evolutionary implications of "survival", and likened the purpose of human society to some future-oriented, unstoppable creative power. They promoted an unfounded hierarchical model of power-exchange within the natural world as based on a food-chain "procedure", and suggested that such "science" might rub out or censor the implications of refuse and disease in their industry. This model was self-contrived, and was instead truly based on the Imperial agenda to recklessly expend resources and abandon devastated ecosystems.

It was a gross bastardization of Darwin's scientifically forged theory: "survival of the fittest". The lobbyists were only interested in serving corporate means for low labor costs, and ends for high production. The popular science at the time, however, openly considered the consumption habits of species within an ecosystem a mere fraction of the functioning whole. The lobbyists were not science advocates, and instead were determined to promote their vision by developing a public rhetoric that reorganized and appropriated scientific thought to deviously blend traditional religious concepts of purpose, with unconventional secular ones of place. Quickly, the corrupt concepts of "child labor", "undefeated strength", and "each man for himself" spread across the developing world, like a wildfire... And, all in Darwin's name.

Needless to say, Charles Darwin, the prodigious scientist, had been publicly humiliated. Darwin publicly opposed their defamation of science and his work, and he was passionately opposed to all forms of social injustice and oppression throughout his lifetime.

Darwin's original theory discussed the potency of "natural selection", and how this profound biological process would only most efficiently favor genetic traits which were most efficiently influenced, tried, and tested by their surrounding ecology. Darwin discussed the observable inherency and value of nature repeating itself by its own most efficient means. And finally, he concluded that this evolutionary mechanism was none other than evidence for the essential intelligence of nature's inherently collaborative design.

Darwin determined that our entire world existed from and for a clear and singular purpose of life: co-evolution.

Darwin maintained no pretense about the implications of "survival of the fittest". In his observations, "survival" was likened to the quality of life for a mere few members, or a mere few species of an ecosystem, and served the lowest of evolutionary standards, which he even called 'random'. In his journals, he mused about how such an inconstant baseline could even give consequence to the sheer magnificence of ecological operation. Or, to his theory about co-evolution and its exigency to necessitate collaborative efforts met only by the reciprocal demands of the natural world. He wondered what he might yet learn about this exigency, but expressed his enduring confidence in the scientific legitimacy of observation.

In his writings, Darwin surmised how the entire point of evolved life is for a community, trillions-strong, to thrive! Not merely survive! And, that the evolutionary implications of replicability of natural design must meet the highest and most fortified demands for collaborative action through diverse association. So, the concept of thriving far outpaced any singular production, or cost, in the evolutionary framework.

Today, many still have not been openly taught about the significance of the prefix "co-" in Darwin's original theory. I only learned about this original concept in my early twenties, from a specialist and a researcher, long after my formal studies in public high school and university.

The implications of "co-evolution" defy the very character of wastefulness and abandonment, and also pose a very real threat to the viability of modern unsustainable industrial methods.

So what can we learn from Darwin, and from this history, to aid us in our environmental aims?

Without going to the edge of the map over theory, conspiracy, organized corporate crime, or grossly clandestine labors, we instead find a wide-spread appropriation of the lowest standards of life and evolution: survival.

Instead, from Darwin I think that we might learn only listen to nature's thriving demands, and to thank her for how she has listened so well to ours, already.

Alas, today we might be okay (!) to loosely refer to the (now-commonplace, but no-less bastardized) industrial-age perspective as Social-Darwinism, but not as Darwinism.

And still, the seed pod remains, unchanged. And, it presents its original purpose in life, just as Darwin observed all life as we know it: to thrive.



Small Studio Ceramic Art & Design

Copyright 2024

All Rights Reserved to Eva Ally Studio

Terracotta sculpture, seed pods series